I almost made it to the
Fork in the road,
Ready to embark on the uncharted path.
From a distance, it looks dark
Taking a sudden bend
Where the end cannot be seen.
This time, I am determined
Not to allow doubts
Nor expectations
Or Ego
Cloud my choice.
Just as I resolve to
Take the final step,
Once again, I hesitate.
There’s no flurry
Of interception
Nor a lack of logic.
The heart is calm
And responds to a whisper
In the quiet.
“The promise, my girl
Weren’t you always here
For the promise?”
I peek over my shoulder
And there it is.
Strewn amidst the shattered pieces
Is the dim flickering light,
The one lit decades ago
As a roaring, vibrant fire.
And I know that until the day
The light fully dies,
Stomped on and berated,
Murdered by all the hands that
Set it alight,
I cannot step over
This threshold.
I turn back on the road,
Finding a perch
Within the wreckage.
As the pieces slowly rot
I stare quietly at the light,
Waiting for the wind
To come in as reprieve.
- mh (c) 2019